Santa Maria Latina,

Today: The (Lutheran) Church of the Redeemer

24 Muristan Road, Old City, Jerusalem, Israel

the Church of St. John the Baptist
and the Muristan in Jerusalem

The cradle of the Order of St. John of Jerusalem

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Sketch plan of the "Golgotha Corner" in Jerusalem, 30 A.D. (by Fr. Bargil Pixner O.S.B.)

The pink area is today covered by the Church of the Holy Sepulchre.
The gray area was the place where St. Maria Latina and the Hospital of Jerusalem were situated.

  1. Golgotha, the place where Jesus Christ died on the cross

  2. The Holy Sepulchre, the place where Jesus Christ was buried and rose from the dead

  3. The Hirkanus Monument, the place where the Church of St. John the Baptist is today

  4. The place where St. Maria Latina was situated, today the Church of the Redeemer

  5. The place where the hospital of Jerusalem was situated, today called the Muristan

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The seal of Santa Maria Latina

Map of the area which belonged to the Order of St. John of Jerusalem in the 12th century.
The superimposed white lines show the streets of the Muristan today. The green dot in the centre indicates where the Muristan fountain is today.
[from: Dan Bahat, The Illustrated Atlas of Jerusalem, Carta, Jerusalem 1990, page 96]]

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The floorplan of St. Maria Latina

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Map of the "Hospitallers' Quarter" of Jerusalem
[from: Dan Bahat, The Illustrated Atlas of Jerusalem, Carta, Jerusalem 1990, page 91]]

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A model of Jerusalem about AD xxxx shows an empty space at the area of the former Hospital of Jerusalem.
[left: the dome of the Church of the Holy Sepulchre
centre: The steeple of the Omar Mosque
right: The dome of the church of St. John the Baptist
The area between the mosque and St. John the Baptist is empty. The tree in the void is exactly where the hospital of Jerusalem had been standing,]

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Stairs leading to the Church of St. John. A Greek priest walks downstairs.
[from: Ebers, Georg and Hermann Guthe, Palästina in Bild und Wort]

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Entrance to the Hospice of the Order of St. John and minaret of the Omar's mosk
[from: Ebers, Georg and Hermann Guthe, Palästina in Bild und Wort]

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The Muristan gate, today the northern portal of the Church of the redeemer.

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Portal of the Hospital of the Order of St. John from North

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The Lutheran Church of the Redeemer

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The Northern Portal of St. Maria Latina / Church of the Redeemer today

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The cloister of St. Maria Latina / Church of the Redeemer. The column is a remainder of the former monastery

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The former refectory (dining room) of St. Maria Latina, today a conference room of the Church of the Redeemer

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The Muristan today.
The building on the left behind the fountain stands on the place, where the Hospital of Jerusalem was.

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The Muristan today (from the roof of the Church of the Holy Sepulchre) The dome in the back is the Church of St. John the Baptist.

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The Church of St. John the Baptist

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The Church of the Holy Sepulchre, The Church of the Redeemer, The Church of St. John the Baptist and the Muristan today (from South, East and North)

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The Church of the Redeemer
The Church of St. John the Baptist

Blessed Gérard
This page is part of the publication Blessed Gérard and his "Everlasting Brotherhood": The Order of St. John

This page was created on 3 May 1999 and last updated on Monday, 13 October 2014 14:45:56

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